Archive for category LOVVVVES / HATESSSS


How sad it is that I have not blogged SINCE APRIL!? For real!? Blogging is my favorite past-time next to shopping, matchmaking (I’m super successful at matchmaking…trust me on this one)…and going to sweet photo retreats.

Hope everyone had a great summer! I am sooo sad it’s over! Having a bambino, I haven’t spent much time on the deck this year of record temps. Suckkkyyy. I am all about the 100 degree days with 100% humidity, however. Hence, the reason I need a pool post-haste.

Let’s kick this baby off with a little throwback to my old blog by sharing some LOVESSSS AND HATTTTESSSS:


#1: Speaking of the pool, I have Kurt whittled down from, “You’re out of your #*&^ing mind if you think I’m buying you a pool…” to an annoyed “Yeah, a pool would be nice but…[insert excuses I’m not trying to hear].” I think this is MUY BUENO progress! Yay for pool parties!


#2: Skinny jeans. Horrifyingly, I’m like three years (or four?) behind this trend but I jumped on the bandwagon this spring and became obsessed. I hear boot cut is back in style, which is probably for the best. Holla!

#3: Reba (the show) and also Ebay. OMG, it’s soooo hilarious. I know this sounds insane. Lifetime decided to cancel it in the a.m., so I promptly went on Ebay and ordered all 6 seasons. Now, it’s non-stop Reba whenever you want around here.


#1: Fitnessless on the Farm. Hello, with three kids, I don’t even have time to put ice in my Diet Coke. And we all know how much I love the Diet Coke. I’ve been slacking on my gym time for like four months due to these kids asking me for something every .35 seconds. This needs to change because I really miss chatting with my peeps at the gym (amongst other reasons). ha!

#2: WHY is every single road I take under construction? I mean, seriously!?! I am not a great driver anyway so weaving in and out of barricades is not my insurance company’s idea of a good time.

#3: Late summer => Box Elder Bugs! GROSS!!!!! I don’t mind the japanese beetles ladybugs but the box elders need to have a little visit from Babe’s Pest Control. I do feel badly about this but those things creep me out majora!! *shudders*

Much love to you all! xo!
Ann :)

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Again, let’s throw it back to my old-school blog days with another edition of my loves & hates!

Let us mix it up and start with the hates:

Hate #1:
I hate it when summer ends, don’t you? I don’t have too much of a genuine issue with the fall, per se, except that it means winter is coming so I’ve never liked the season. I can’t believe I still live here and to solidify my icy life, I married a fabulous farmer who will never, ever, never, ever move away from Iowa. Awesome. I lovvvve the holidays, though…lovelovelove. But I would love them even more if I lived in a climate closer to the equator. For sure.

Hate #2:
Not a fan of Borders closing! I love that store! Argh! I finally joined their RIDICULOUS exclusive program, too, ONLY because the Davenport checkout girls are MEAN MEAN MEAN and it was worth the $25 to not have them pestering me any more about it. So I won’t miss them, or their little card club that I just joined…but I’ll sooo miss the store and the books.

Hate #3:
That instant when you’re out in the cutest pair of brand new heels and you realize, “OMG, I can’t walk another step my feet hurt soooo bad.” I swear it always sneaks up on me. It was worth it…they were super cute!

Now for the lovvvvves:

Love #1:
In the past, I’ve raved on my h20 body products. My newest love came in the form of a Christmas gift from my bro and SIL. The Milk Body Lotion. Never something I would have picked out since I always go for the berryish or waterish scents of fabulousness BUT I am so glad they did! I am obsessed obsessed OBSESSSSSSED! Must try! Von Maur and Ulta both stock it or you can buy it from h20 online (click here). Granted, you may think $19.50 for a 12oz bottle of lotion is ridiculously expensive but you’ll just have to trust me on this one. Love!!

Love #2:
Jersey Shore Italy. Still lovvvve that show even though I usually forget to watch it. I have managed to watch the first three shows, though, however! Yay! (Hopefully there have only been three so far…ha.) :)

Love #3:
OK, not to go all “Beyonce at the VMA’s” on everyone but for those that don’t know…

Due Christmas Day!! Yay!! Cannot waaaaaaaiiiiit!! <3 <3

Hope everyone has a FABULOUS WEEKEND!


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Hola! It’s been so long since my last LOVVVVESSS/HATTTTESS update, I thought I’d post one :)

Love #1
iPads. OK, I admit I (kind of) made fun of Kurt for getting one. “When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong…” I was convinced he’d rather just have a new laptop. Now I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve the thing and I will diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie if I don’t get one in the very near future. I love the guy dearly but two things we don’t share: closets and electronics. He keeps his things wayyy too neat and tidy. ME + (my own) iPad = LOVE!

Love #2
Now & Laters. They are soooo good. LOVE!

Love #3
Bumble & Bumble Surf Spray. Someone with extensive good product knowledge told me to acquire this last year! I always meant to but kept forgetting. Mistake! Now I bought some and I looooovvvvvve it!!!!! It is supposed to (and actually does!) make your hair LOOK like you just swam in the ocean. LOVE!

Hate #1
The road construction on 53rd. OMG, it’s bad (for Iowa)!

Hate #2
Packing! I always wait until the last minute and then forget stuff. Kurt’s already packed of course. Maybe I will post a photo of his suitcase for fun : ) Remember in Sleeping With The Enemy when Julie Roberts opens the cabinet and all of the cans are in order, labels out. It’s pretty much : )

Hate #3
Twitter post-Casey Anthony trial. It’s so boring now!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Mucho love to all!!
Ann : )

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Loves / Hates Part I

Many of you remember Ann’s Loves/Hates from blog v.1.  They are back!!  Yay!

I felt it was time to voice my opinions are some things rockin’ and some things el lame-o’!


1.  I love Mint Green Boutique and Fannie’s Closet.  I am totally “that girl” that ADORES vintage-y artsy looking outfits.  Do I have time to shop vintage or could I even put together an outfit anywhere near as cute as Aimee Winslow-Low, the owner of Mint Green Boutique?  Why, no, no I cannot.  She is amazing!  I also heart (to the extreme) vintage jewelry.  I have issues with making decisions and have no clue how to approach cleaning tarnished metal-goods, so trust me, I’m better off going to Fannie’s Closet and buying from her.  If Kurt came home to find me at our new kitchen table with a bunch of tools strung out everywhere, some cans of turpentine and a big pile of old jewelry, he may never recover from the stress.  CONVENIENTLY, both of these stores are located in the SAME store in the Village of East Davenport.  They have the most ADORABLE handmade and custom baby and children’s clothing and accessories, OMG.  If you have children and want your kids to look DARLING, check them out ASAP.  I am so sad WWS (William Wiese Steward) recently outgrew his long-sleeved brown onesie from Fannie’s.  It had a big orange felt Iowa on the front and a BUTTON sewn with yarn where the Quad-Cities is!!!  Adorable. 

Here are some of my jewelry items o’ fabulousness from the store:

2.  Crumbs Cakes by Reanna Day.  I am ALL for accountants realizing how horrible debits and credits (and even worse – FINANCIAL ANALYSIS – UGH) really are and embracing their inner photog/baker/sew-er/teacher/writer/consultant-er/etc-er.  When I found out my friend, Reanna, from my former “day job”, was making cakes now (just on the side…for now…), I was so happy for her!  :)  She brought her little chica Miss Addy to see me for photos over the summer and somehow we got on the topic of her cakes!  I asked her to make one for one of Belle and Francesca’s schemes parties (a.k.a. ways to scam her mom and I out of money so they can get new clothing and presents for each other).  The girls had planned “Georgia’s (our dog) Welcome Home Party” when she came home from Iowa State Vet Clinic (long story).  It was kind of like a tea party for Georgia where Georgia got one lousy present while she was locked in a kennel (doctor’s orders!) and they each got about five.  Anyway, I about DIED when I opened the cake box.  It was SOOOO BEAUTIFULLLL.  And it was even more delicious…omg yum.  SO when she brought Miss Addy out for her Christmas photos <3, she said she was ALSO available to make Will’s birthday cake!  Yay!!!  She helped me think of the penguin theme and it turned out SOOOOO ADOOORRRRABLE. 

Everyone loved it, of course!  It’s more like art than cake (she sculpted those penguins!!) yet still the yummiest of the yummy.  Moral of the story is if you need a beautiful, wonderful, amazing cake, email Reanna at  Let’s all help convince her she belongs in a bakery NOT a cubicle!

3.  Sephora shall be opening in a couple months and Ulta in a couple weeks.  HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!  Granted the new Sephora IS in my arch-nemesis JCP (ugh) but a JCP Sephora is better than NO SEPHORA and I can’t wait!  :)  If you have yet to buy Smashbox O-Gloss, now is your chance.  Yay!!  I need some new!! 

Now for the HATESSSS:

1.  Cold weather.  I am so tired of it!  Reallly!  I want it to go away permanently =)  Soonnnn!!  YAYY!

2.  I am not one to look at gas prices but when a tank of gas = half way to a new pair of heels, I get very concerned!  I prefer them lurking in the Old Navy flip-flop range.  Not Von Maur Salon Shoes range. 

3.  I hate going to bed at 1:30 when Will sqwaks at 1:40.  =)  It’s 1:27 a.m. so I better get going!

Back to the LOVVVES…


Peace & love, love & peace ~

Ann :)